
Introduction Letter in Export Marketing

The most important step for selling goods in export is to do the correct method of export marketing or international marketing. To sell products abroad, the marketer must be completely familiar with the company’s introduction techniques and products. Accessing the list of foreign buyers and finding foreign clients for export is not a very difficult and complicated task. It is important that after accessing this list and data, how to communicate with them and sell goods to them. Correct and principled writing of company introduction letters in export marketing or product introduction letter to the company is a critical and crucial part of this issue.


International trade and commerce are the types of business related to human relations, and due to the spatial dimension, the sensitivity of correspondence is extremely high. Most export businesses start their activities with a product sales letter sample in English, a letter that can be written and sent as a decisive result in the success or failure of that company. In order to succeed in writing all kinds of business letters, training and learning the following are mandatory.


Prerequisites for international business correspondence:

– Mastery of general English (conversation and grammar)

– Mastering the specialized language of international business

– Mastery of the principles and generalities of international trade and commerce


Important factors in the company introduction letter in export marketing

To write a suitable company introduction letter in international marketing, you must pay attention to a series of technical and technical factors that are mentioned below so that the letter can help your marketing and sales two hundred times.


– Supporting letter of company introduction in export marketing

Before writing the company introduction letter in export marketing, especially the first letter, we should think about how to support that letter. Because it has happened many times that an export company has sent a large number of letters in order to introduce itself and its export products to the companies and companies in question, but received very limited and few responses in return. It should be mentioned that the writer of the above letter has followed all the standards and principles of international business correspondence in this letter. But why have the received responses been so few and limited? This question has only one answer and that is the non-receipt of the letter of introduction of the company in export marketing by the relevant person and official. So we conclude that if the above letters were supported by one of the following ways, the volume of received responses would have been at least double what happened. To support a business letter, we can use methods such as telephone calls, faxes, e-mails, online networks and social media, etc. Among the above methods, we suggest first telephone communication and follow-up through conversation, and then There are other ways.


– Customizing the introduction letter of the company in export marketing

The use of prepared letter formats and structures called Minute or Draft is one of the conventional ways in all types of letter writing. Not only is it not an unreasonable method, but sometimes business experts and all kinds of letter writers are advised to use this method to speed up administrative affairs. We do not recommend using this method in export marketing letters. One of the main reasons for this issue is the recipient’s lack of communication with the text of the letter, which most of the time leads to him not responding to the received letter.

In order to make the company introduction letter effective in export marketing, be sure to write a separate and special letter for each recipient in each company. That is, in addition to including the name of the company and the desired person, information and details about that company or person should be included in the text of the letter. Smart business parties quickly understand the importance of the letter and the ability and experience of the writer from the text of the received letter and finally decide to send or not to send a reply. Writing a customized letter or customizing the letter is one of the influential factors for the company introduction letter in export marketing, which most of the time results in sending a response from the recipient.


– Informality of writing the introduction letter of the company in export marketing

One of the conventional methods and strategies of international business letters is formal writing with standard grammatical frameworks, which businessmen usually use to communicate with their business partners. But at the beginning of the letter of introduction of the company in export marketing, avoid writing the letter in a completely formal or informal way. Try to make the beginning part of the opening salutation semi-formal.


Types of company introduction letters in export marketing:

– Beginning of official Dear Sir/Madam letters

– Starting the introduction letter of the company in export marketing with Asian Companies Dear Mr/Ms Family

– The beginning of the introduction letter of the company in export marketing with European Companies Dear Mr/Ms Family or Name

– Starting the letter of introduction of the company in export marketing with North American Dear/Only Name companies


Choosing the topic of the letter of introduction of the company in export Marketing

In this section, we discuss the topic of the Subject letter. Be very careful in choosing the topic of the company introduction letter. Because the choice of topic is effective in persuading or not persuading the recipient of the letter. Choose the topic of the company introduction letter according to the structure of the opposite company and their target market. This means that the subject must be customized for this company. You can use the following phrases or words that you have researched for the subject of the company introduction letter in export marketing:

-Product Name




The text of the letter introducing the company in export marketing

To write the introduction letter of the company, first prepare a checklist and then start writing. At the end, read the desired text several times and correct and remove unnecessary items. Then divide the main text into 4 or 5 paragraphs and put it in the body of the main letter. It is strongly recommended to avoid writing too much about your company and organization in the first letter. You can attach additional and unnecessary items to the letter, although this attachment has its own conditions. If the addressed company is based in Western Europe and North America, avoid attaching the file to the said email, because due to the presence of smart security systems in these geographical areas, most of the time, emails with attachments are filtered and spammed and never reach the recipient. But if you are corresponding with Asian companies, you can attach the desired file to the text of the letter.




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